On Your Calendar!


  • Monday the 3rd 1st day of school
  • Friday the 7th  Southern African Dance Workshop sponsored by Nich Cultural Arts http://www.nicharts.org/events.htm
  • Tuesday the 11th Spring fundraiser meeting
  • Monday the 17th school closed MLK Holiday
  • Tuesday the 25th spring fundraising meeting
  • Thursday the 27th Parent meeting at 6pm, we will be selling pizza and juice


  • Tuesday the 8th Spring Fundraising Meeting 6pm
  • Monday the 14th Anniversary Dinner Meeting 6pm
  • Tuesday the 15th Open House all levels 6pm
  • Friday the 18th SCHOOL CLOSED staff development
  • Monday the 21st SCHOOL CLOSED Frederick Douglass Birthday
  • Tuesday the 22nd Spring Fundraiser Meeting 6pm
  • Thursday the 24th Parent meeting at 6pm, we will be selling pizza and juice

Email Mama Mavhu if you need a copy of the calendar.