Habari Gani Family!
Get Ready for Nation House’s 44th Anniversary Dinner Celebration! Our dinner will take place on Saturday 26th May, 2018. The tickets for the Dinner are $40.00 per adult, and $25 for children ($15 for Nationhouse Watoto students). Children under the age of four who share a seat with an adult are free of cost.
Can’t make it? You can still DONATE! – All donations and contributions go towards Nation House programming and our dedication to the education of Afrikan children. Please invite your friends and family to make contributions. Our goal is to raise $5000! All contributors will be listed in the souvenir book under the following categories (amounts will not be listed):
Contributor: $5 – $49;
Bronze level contributor: $50-$100;
Silver level contributor: $101-$250;
Gold level contributor: $251-$500;
Platinum contributor: $501-$1500;
Ruby level contributor: $1,500 and above
If you would like to donate to our school, please click the link to our GoFundMe:
This is going to be an awesome extravaganza! Dont miss out!